School Uniform
Students are expected to wear full and correct uniform at all times and parental co-operation in this area is essential. The official suppliers are Warnocks, Lisburn Road, Belfast; Truly Fare, Andersonstown Road, Belfast; McCall’s, Market Street, Lisburn, The Sports Company, Yorkgate Centre and Chaplin Sportswear, Westwood Shopping Centre.

Years 8–12 Uniform
School Blazer (wool/polyester)
School Tie
White Tie
School Jumper
GIRLS – Plain Grey Skirt
(Black College Trousers worn November – March only)
BOYS –Black Trousers School Socks/Black Tights
Black Shoes
(No trainers or high heels)
School Scarf (Optional)
Malone College School Coat
Sixth Form Uniform
GIRLS – Navy blue Skirts
(Black College trousers worn November – March only)
BOYS – Black Trousers
White Blouse
Sixth Form Tie
Sixth Form Jumper
School Blazer
Malone College School Coat
N.B. For formal functions ties and skirts must be worn.
School Blazers are compulsory for 6th Form students at all times.
PE Kit
It is compulsory for students to have the 5item pack which includes Malone College Midlayer, PE Jersey, a choice of either Tracksuit bottoms or leggings, shorts and socks.
The optional items include the padded jacket and the rain jacket.
Malone College PE kit can be ordered online at: